Wednesday, June 22, 2016
Blue Iolite Stone of third eye chakra

The qualities which make Iolite famous, are their durability and
affordability. Major deposits of Iolite are in Brazil but it also found in
Burma, India, Madagascar and Sri Lanka. Iolite has a chemical composition of
magnesium aluminium silicate.

Blue iolite is mainly associated with the third eye chakra and helps us to
utilize its benefits. Blue iolite clears and activates the third eye chakra
which helps us to get aware of the world and to easily communicate. Blue Iolite
controls the flow of energy of all the chakras. Blue iolite is a perfect stone
for those people who suffer from distraction and disorientation. Blue iolite
brings harmony in all relationships. Blue iolite treats skin disorders and
sleep disorders. Blue iolite helps us to adapt new dreams, visions and ideas.
Blue iolite promotes the good management of money and helps to get rid of debt.
Blue iolite motivates to achieve higher knowledge and awareness. Blue iolite
also helps to overcome addictions like alcohol etc. Blue iolite stimulates the
spiritual growth and memory. Blue iolite can transform negativity into
positivity. Blue iolite is an excellent stone for tarot readers and
astrologers. Blue iolite maintains a good link between the heart and mind. Blue
iolite is very helpful in opens one's psychic abilities. Blue iolite can also
be helpful for those who want to access information from their previous lives.
Blue iolite is a best gemstone for astra travel. Blue iolite aligns and
balances the chakras. Blue iolite brings a feeling of luxury and nobility. Blue
iolite inspires us to achieve our goals and to do great deeds. Blue iolite
helps to bring your imaginations into reality. Blue iolite enhances your
visionary abilities. Blue iolite gives you power to live that life which you
dream of. By keeping Blue iolite in your aura, you will feel amazing changes.
Blue iolite is highly beneficial in developing intuition. Blue iolite helps in
calming and energizing your mind. Blue iolite also maintains sobriety. Blue
iolite aids headaches and gives strength to the whole system of body. Blue
iolite is a very good stone for people who are indulge in heavy physical
activities or are in the field of sports. Blue Iolite is also referred as a
strong "Shaman" stone.
Blue iolite can be worn in the form of jewelry or you can keep a piece of
it in your pocket to experience its benefits. Blue iolite isused to make
pendants, necklaces and earrings because they are worn close to the third eye
chakra and throat chakra.

Visit here to buy this stone at here Buy Blue Iolite