Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Brazilian amethyst,Stone of sobriety

Amethyst comes from many different mining sources, some of which produce
distinct color styles. One of the largest mines of amethyst is located near the
border between Bolivia and Brazil. Brazil is the largest producer of Amethyst.
Brazilian amethyst specimens are the most prized form of quartz, which occur in
crystal form and are found in a large range of shapes, cuts and hues. Brazilian
amethyst is the rich purple variety of quartz and was classified as one of the
precious gems. These transparent prismatic crystals can be found in clusters as
an incrustation in a nodular stone, known as a geode.

Brazilian amethyst heals all levels of the mind, body and spirit. Brazilian
amethyst often associated with peace and tranquility. Brazilian amethyst
relieves the strain in our mind. Brazilian amethyst has been associated with
the ability to transform lower energies into higher energies. Brazilian
amethyst works as a healer of mind, spirit and body. Brazilian amethyst can be
used to get rid of alcohol, drugs or other kinds of addiction. Brazilian
amethyst, apart from being the beautiful charming gemstone is also known as a
powerful and effective stone which brings change in the person, internally and
externally. Brazilian amethyst has strong vibrational quality. Brazilian
amethyst has proved beneficial and is been practiced to cure alcoholics of
their addiction. Brazilian amethyst also helps the detoxification of the body.
Brazilian amethyst is a powerful healer of many physical problems and an excellent
reliever of emotional disorders, as well. Brazilian amethyst treats the
diseases related to bones and heals the pain of joints. Brazilian amethyst can
be used to remove negativity and fear of failure. Excessive spirituality and
positive energy which leads to success is also bring by Brazilian amethyst.
Brazilian amethyst is considered to be the mystical gemstone. Brazilian
amethyst helps to heal wounds and protect the wearer from disease. Brazilian amethyst
has been regarded as the stone of spirituality and psychic empowerment.
Brazilian amethyst improves the mental powers, creativity and memory. Brazilian
amethyst aids both Brow and Crown chakra. Brazilian amethyst clears
blockage from the Chakras also. Brazilian amethyst also provides a wonderful
peaceful energy for meditations, and helps with developing intuition and
psychic abilities.

Brazilian amethyst is widely used for making jewelry items like rings, earrings,
necklaces, pendants and bracelets. Brazilian amethyst gets very well paired
with diamonds and pearls. Jewelry made by Brazilian amethyst can be worn for
daily use.
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Brazilian amethyst In our Ready Stock inventory.