Tuesday, June 21, 2016
Green amethyst

In mineral collection, some of the quartz crystals known as prasiolite
stones which acquire light green color after having heat treatment, such stones
are classified as Green Amethyst and is one of the most beautiful semi precious
Green amethyst makes us feel safe and symbolize fertility and growth. Green
amethyst carries the same energies as Amethyst. Green amethyst which is known
to open the Third-Eye chakra, Crown chakra, and Etheric Chakras can increase
your sense of sympathy and love towards other people. Green amethyst is a
spiritual stone and has a purifying and protective nature. A green amethyst
endorses you to open your heart to the world. Green amethysts increase your
aura of self love and compassion. Green amethyst helps to connect the path
between physical and spiritual world. Green amethyst is a stone of metamorphic
energies. Green amethyst transforms negative energy to positive and does not
release it to the atmosphere. Green amethyst is able to magnify energy. By using
green amethyst you can bring prosperity to your life.

Green amethyst and heart share a strong connection. Green amethyst is basically
chakra healing stones which help your body to function properly. Green amethyst
aids the endocrine glands also. Along side other crystals green amethyst is
especially good for using in meditation. Green Amethyst inspires creativity,
attracting success and abundance. Green amethyst helps to balance emotions.
Positivity given by green amethyst can increase self confidence. Green amethyst
brings good fortune and luck. People who have confidence issues, green amethyst
is great for them.
Green Amethyst Pendants can be worn to secure spiritual energies and
physical healing. Green amethyst pendants are possibly the most powerful option
as we can keep them very close to heart. Green amethyst can treat the mind by
increasing your willpower. If you carry green amethyst stones in your purse or
you place it in your house or place of work then it will attract more money
into your life. Green amethyst helps to overcome from physical pain throughout
your body. If you are suffering from previous emotional upsets, green amethyst
will help you to recover from grudges and help you in emotional healing. The
powers of green amethyst can protect you from yourself. By wearing a green
amethyst you can get rid of addictive personality. When you will include the
green amethyst (powerful healing crystals) in your life you will notice that passion,
self confidence, willpower, self-love, prosperity, success, abundance,
balanced-body, positivity in life and love will soon follow.

Visit here to buy this stone at here Buy Green amethyst