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Thursday, December 15, 2016

Iolite Water Sapphire

Posted by Rasav Gems
Tags: Gems, Gemstone, Ruby

Discovery of Iolite

Cordierite mineral had been known to occur in metamorphic rocks in the cores of Wyoming mountain ranges. In 1996, the gem variety of this mineral was started to refer as Iolite and was discovered in Wyoming. Sometimes this gem also referred to as 'dichroite'. The quest of iolite in Wyoming was made when the author began an impassable search for the gemstone Ruby in an ancient rock known as ‘vermiculite schist’ that is sometimes referred to as glimmerite by geologists. 

Nomenclature and Pleochroic nature

Like many other stones Iolite is also named according to its color, an Indo-European family of languages has an independent branch called Greek language; iolite came from a Greek word “ios” which means violet.

It has a noticeable pleochroic nature. Iolite that appear violet exhibits light violet, dark violet, and yellow-brown colors, when seen from different angles. Bluish iolite exhibits colorless to yellow, blue-gray, sometimes dark violet colors. From optic angles a bluish iolite can actually appear entirely colorless or yellow, and a violetish iolite can even look brown.

Benefits of wearing Iolite

·        Iolite helps in discarding fat and keep body in shape.

·        It succors the effects of alcohol and aids in regeneration and detoxification of the liver.

·        It is expedient in the diseases like malaria and effectively cuts down the fever.

·        Iolite can also kill the bacteria present in body. 

·        This gemstone aids the respiratory, sinuses and pituitary system.

·        The migration can also get alleviated through this gemstone. 

It is always suggested to buy your gemstone from well-established or manufacturer to get ensured about its quality. Here at Rasav Gems, we are firmly committed to our product quality since 1976.

Get to know about Buy Iolite Click here:

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