For its lovely pink shade, it is
named as Rose crystal. Rose Quartz is available in various shades of pink. It
is also known as “Love crystal” because it is the symbol of love, passion, and
peace. This stone is made for every type of love like self love, family,
platonic, romantic, and unconditional. This stone contains higher energy. This
stone will not only give you the feeling of love but it will give you the inner
warmth and self-esteem too.
The Rose crystal resonates within
both heart chakra and thymus chakra. It is highly effective in healing personal
Rose is made up of silica and its chemical formula is SiO2. The formula of
quartz crystal is as same as the Rock crystal, citrine, amethyst or any other
quartz crystal. The hardness of the Rose crystal is 7 at the Mohs hardness
scale. These Rose quartz crystals are usually found in Madagascar, Japan,
India, and Brazil, as well as in South Dakota and South Africa in the USA.

The reason behind this cute pink
color of the Rose Quartz is still a mystery, many other stones also have some
pink shades but there is no other crystal like Rose Quartz. Some of the
scientists say that the appearance of the pink color is due to the impurities
present in stone in the form of magnesium, iron or titanium. Most of the stones
are fairly opaque but some pieces can also be translucent or transparent.
It is basically made for heart, so
it will prevent you from heart attack and thrombosis, increase blood
circulation, and strengthen the heart muscle. It is also believed that it will
help you to solve problems like depression, insomnia, mental problems, and
sexual dysfunction. It also improves the skin complexion.
There are time arises in every
relation where we think our trust and harmony lowers down at that time Rose
quarts can be the best choice it will restore all the feelings and make your
relation smooth and unbreakable. It is very easy to use and can be easily
available also.
To enhance the effect of your stone
it should be clean within every 15 days with Luke warm water.
As we all know in today’s life it is
not easy to live and lead stress-free life. So if you want to make your life worth
living you must have a Rose Quartz with you. You can buy Rose stone as a
decorative home piece while you can also wear it in any form like the pendant,
earring, and bracelet.

They are easy to buy. They are the
birthstone for January and May; they are wonderful as birthstone jewelry. You
can choose the other form of the same stone-like rough rose quartz crystals or
tumble stones; these are quite inexpensive and easily available.
If you feel the lack of love in your
life, then you must go for Rose Quartz crystal. At Rasav Gems you can find many
alluring designer pieces of this gemstone with 100 percent original crystals.
For more details to get to know about rasav gems, visit here Rose Quartz